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10 Tips to Declutter Your Purse

We’ve all heard the saying: Purses are bottomless pits. We carry our whole lives are in our purses. Do you need lip gloss? I’ve got it. Band-Aids? Check. Hair dryer? Yep. The kitchen sink? Pretty sure I can fit that in there somewhere.

If you’re tired of spending hours searching through your purse, getting lost, and constantly have a sore shoulder we’ve got 10 tips to help you out! Read on to learn how to declutter your purse…

Yes, we mean EVERYTHING. Just go ahead and flip your purse upside down right now. It’s not as terrifying as it may seem (we all know that panic when our purse flips over in the car). Dump it out. We need to see exactly what we’re working with here. You may even be surprised by just how many things were in there to begin with.

Downsize to a Smaller Bag
If you have the ability to do so, downsizing to a smaller bag will be a lifesaver. This will help prevent you from having your entire home in your purse going forward by limiting how much space you have available.

Keep the Staple Items
What are the items you use every day? Your wallet, keys, phone, etc. Pull out the staple items that are used regularly – we’ll go ahead and return those to our purse. Try to limit any duplicates (such as three different lipsticks) by only returning one of each staple item.

Shrink Your Wallet
Is your wallet almost just as big as your purse? It’s time to shrink it. Returning to the top three steps, go ahead and 1) dump it out, 2) try a smaller wallet, and 3) return only the staple items.

Carry Travel Size Products
If you have a full bottle of lotion and a large container of baby powder in your purse, you’re losing a ton of space! Fortunately, there’s an easy fix. Many stores carry eco friendly travel size products and containers. If your product is not available in a travel size, you can instead portion it out in a travel bottle. You’ll be amazed by how much space opens up in your purse (and how much weight your purse loses – looking good!).

Organize Your Bag
Come up with some form of system in your purse. Utilize the pockets for certain items. For example, the side pocket for your phone, the front pocket for your keys, the main pocket for your wallet and makeup bag, and so on. “A place for everything, everything in its place.” – Benjamin Franklin

Sort or Toss Receipts
I can say from experience one of the biggest contributors to clutter in my purse is receipts. If you’re anything like me, you may be able to relate to sifting through tons of paper to find a quarter at the bottom of your purse. Cut the clutter by cutting the receipts. If you absolutely MUST keep a receipt, opt for a small coin purse, baggie, or organizer to store it in so you can keep your purse organized.

Limit the Amount of Makeup
Do you have a full makeup store in your purse? Does it get used every single day? Going back to bullet point 1 & 3, it’s time we downsize. Pull all your makeup to the side and then pull out the staple items. You can always alternate products on a daily basis, depending on what it is that you need.

Apply Your Makeup at Home
Save even more room in your purse by applying your makeup (if you wear any) at home. By applying your makeup at home you can limit the items in your purse to just a few “touchup” items – if you feel the need to carry them.

Switch to a Menstrual Cup
For the longest time I always carried three or four pads, a bundle of feminine wipes, and a handful of tampons in my purse, every day. Needless to say, my purse was always full. Once I switched to a menstrual cup I no longer needed any of those products in my purse. Now I carry a cloth liner and a feminine wipe or two, and that’s all I need. You’ll love how much you can declutter by switching to a menstrual cup!

Do you have a tip we didn’t mention above? Let us know! Join the discussion in the comments below, or find us on Facebook!

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